Friday 7 June 2013

NOTD Mari Moon

Hello peeps,

Today I have done a mani with Mari Moon 'Artsy'. It is a multi-chrome polish and looks amazeballs in the bottle. I received it in a grab bag I purchased a few weeks ago. In the pics i have done 2 coats alone.

'Artsy' went onto the nail smoothly and was nearly opaque in 2 coats. I would like to see what it looks like over black and other colours.

A big downside was that it took FOREVER to dry. I am not sure if anybody else has this problem or its just me. It has been many hours since I painted my nails and they are still denting. I think I will put Seche Vite over it to recitify the problem but I like to see how a polish fares on its own.

The pic is showing the blue/purple to purple/pink/orange shift without the flash and showing the deep blue-ness with the flash.

'Artsy' is such a beautiful polish on the eyes. You can buy it from Llarowe.

P.S. Please don't mind my pinky ouchie.

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